Monday, October 21, 2013

Plastic Weld - Nectar of the Gods

Plastic Weld you shouldn't ever ever drink mind you, but none the less Plastic Weld is as close to the Nectar of the Gods as one can get in terms of Hobby glue. If you are on the other hand looking for a drinkable Nectar of the Gods and live in the UK, then I highly suggest a nice bottle of Purdeys.

Seriously, I miss those so much.

Anyway, so why is Plastic Weld so great? Well firstly its liquid, which means that you need to use a brush to apply it and thus have more control over where the glue goes and how much you put on it. That's a huge plus in my book, I was so sad when GW changed their plastic glue from a liquid to the viscous goop they now sell. 

But, the biggest and greatest benefit is that it's powerful, strong and can be used to easily remove pesky mold lines in hard to reach areas and to get rid of the annoying gaps between parts on plastic kits! If you are like me, and seeing those irritating gaps on otherwise beautiful models upsets you to your core, then you will LOVE Plastic Weld.

The reason it does this is that it melts the plastic at an almost perfect rate, meaning that if applied to mold lines, it will dissolve the mold line, whilst leaving the rest of the detail in tact. When applying over gaps, by simply brushing over the gap you'll pull some of the now liquid plastic into the gap, which then fills up and disappears! It's bloody magic in my opinion...

I'm going to stop going on about it, before you think that I'm some sort of odd viral spokesperson, I'm not trust me, but before I go let me show you the evidence on a plastic Orc boar I was building for one of my chariots last night.  

The picture of the left is of the Boar before Plastic Weld and the picture on the right is of the Boar after Plastic Weld has been applied to it.

See, it's god damn amazing.

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