Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year and a new Era for Uncle Nurgle's Hobby!

This December was a pretty unreal month. What with the usual build up this month brings work wise, add in the extra stress and work that one gets when spending the holidays in another country and throw in a whole load of other things and you get a pretty busy month! Surprisingly though I managed to get a fair amount of hobby done in between all the lovely work and celebration.

I'll post images and break downs of the things I got done this Christmas break, but I wanted to firstly set down some things 'on paper' so to speak.

My Hobby goals for this year are pretty easy. Do Hobby! The four years I spent working for GW in many ways killed my 'Hobby drive', but since changing jobs and moving the US it's gone into overdrive and I'm filled with TONS of cool ideas and projects that I really think I can actually get done! I'm going to lay those ideas and projects out in another post, as I don't want this thing turning into a wall of text, so I'll leave that at that.

Christmas this year saw me pick up two huge items for my hobby. Firstly my incredible generous parents bought my a fantastic airbrush (which I've already put to good use and huge item number 2) and I splurged on a normal Realm of Battle Table and the two tile expansion. I already have a 6 foot by 4 foot Forgeworld City Fight Realm of Battle, but this one will allow me to play WHFB and also use my trench network for games of 40k.

That's that for now, hope you all had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

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