Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sigmar's Blood

Having picked this up when it was first released, I only recently bothered to open it up and look inside. I have to say that I am pretty impressed and inspired by what I read.

In essence Sigmar's Blood is a campaign book, specifically set up for Empire and Vampire Counts, and whilst it would be fairly simple to replace one of the armies with another or even both armies, you do however loose something in the translation.

The campaign is built around specific army lists, each mission/battle gives you a specific army list to be used for both the Vampire Counts and the Empire, as well as what scenery you should have and how it should be laid out. You then have overall missions goals and minor mission goals, which give either side Victory Points and then go on to affect the next game in small yet not insignificant ways.

It is the perfect tool to start an Empire or Vampire Count army and is also pretty fantastic for those first getting started with Fantasy.

Personally I have a rather large Vampire Count army (un-assembled and still in England..), so looking at the Vampire Count army i think there is one, maybe two kits I would need to buy to take part. Empire wise I have nothing, but I had been toying with the idea of creating an Empire army to fit with my Empire themed scenery. The cost of the Empire army is just over $400, which at first looks a lot, BUT if you think about spreading the purchasing over several months, with one month buying the units for the first mission (coincidentally the contents of the Empire Battleforce and a Witch Hunter), painting it up, then playing the game, it becomes a LOT smaller.

Obviously with my VC still in England, I'm not going to be trying this out yet, most likely something I look at in the late summer when I get back from England (with VC's in tow), but it got me thinking. How hard would it be to replicate this style for 40k and insert the two armies that I have and need to paint.

Is this the way to motivate myself to actually paint? Giving myself a small mini army of each to paint up and then game with, then rinse and repeat? I will need to ponder this more...

All in all, I really love this book. It's a great tool for players and from a business point of view a clever idea for GW. If they could replicate this idea for more armies and perhaps provide it piece meal in their new weekly White Dwarf, then they could really make some serious cash and give the player base some really cool games to play!

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