Saturday, October 26, 2013

Savage Orc Big Boss Battle Standard Bearer

Savage Orc Big Boss Battle Standard

Continuing on with my recent spring of conversions/kit bashes I decided to put together a Savage Orc Big Boss Battle Standard Bearer. He is the first of the three heroes/lords that will sit in my Savage Orc horde and as I only have the Savage Orc Warboss model (who has a two handed weapon, which i think is a waste, but w/e) I decided to have a go at creating one.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Games Workshop Gossip!

I worked for just over 3 and a half years for GW Retail in the UK and over that time I not only heard some amazingly funny and insane stories, but also lived some pretty good ones as well and I thought I'd record them here every so often.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Airbrush Conundrum

I'm wanting to pick up an Airbrush for all the scenery I have coming over in the shipment and also my Reaver Titan, but I'm unsure what to get.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Savage Orc Unit Filler "The Return"

 He's done! A little drill here, a little glue there and bam! my unit filler is complete.

Goblin Wolf Riders

Goblin Wolf Riders

Unleash the Wolves of War! So this weekend I did a bit of kit bashing and this is one the fruits of my weekend of labor.

Plastic Weld - Nectar of the Gods

Plastic Weld you shouldn't ever ever drink mind you, but none the less Plastic Weld is as close to the Nectar of the Gods as one can get in terms of Hobby glue. If you are on the other hand looking for a drinkable Nectar of the Gods and live in the UK, then I highly suggest a nice bottle of Purdeys.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A Suprise Delivery From the UK

One of my closest friends back home was lovely enough to pick these little gems up for me when he went to the UK Games Day.

Visions of Heresy (Collector's Edition)

Visions of Heresy (Collector's Edition) is being released November 1st at 9:00am British Summer Time for $250.

God damn it...

Dark Heresy 2nd Edition

I've always found the background of 40k incredible rich and it is certainly my favorite sci-fi setting as I think it is oddly enough one of the most realistic settings out there. I look at the Imperium and the way it is ruled by superstition and false religious dogma and then look at the world we live in and I think "Yeah, that's pretty plausible actually."

So role playing in this setting was an obvious thing for me to jump into and with the release of Fantasy Flight's Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta I thought it was about time to try my hands at GMing a game.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The US Postal Service Delivers a Heresy Bar None

Okay so the title might be a slight exaggeration, but I feel it was worth while.

Savage Orc Unit Filler

Unit fillers are one of my favourite things about Warhammer Fantasy. They give you an opportunity to really explore your hobby and for me a chance to use some of the thousands of random bitz I've meticulously organised over the years.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Savage Orc Horde

As I mentioned in my last post one of the armies I've brought over with me is my Orc and Goblin army. It's the least built army I have here in the states and thus the one I'm spending the most time on.

I first started this army when the latest army book was released with all the lovely Savage Orc models, hence my inclusion of a huge horde block of 40 of these guys.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I always prefer when a blog have some form of introduction as their first post. Otherwise it feels like either I've somehow made a mistake and not reached the first post, something’s been deleted/lost or the blog has just magically appeared thus having no beginning as it always has and always hasn't existed.

Hence this first post.