Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I always prefer when a blog have some form of introduction as their first post. Otherwise it feels like either I've somehow made a mistake and not reached the first post, something’s been deleted/lost or the blog has just magically appeared thus having no beginning as it always has and always hasn't existed.

Hence this first post.

I've been in the hobby on and off since I was 9, when I was introduced to 40k towards the end of 2nd edition and dived straight into the hobby with a myriad of different game systems and armies without ever really knowing how to play the game! As most people do, I wondered in and out of the hobby, but it wasn't until I left university that I really immersed myself into the hobby and since then I've been hooked. I recently moved from England with my fiancée Anna across the pond to the states for a job I adore and having spent the last few months adjusting to the America dream I thought I would do something I had always thought about and start a hobby blog.

With me right now in the US is almost all of my Tyranid army (90% built, 100% unpainted), almost all of my Orc and Goblin army (30% built, 100% unpainted), a couple of boxes of the new Lizardmen and Space Marine units (0% built), some random Horus Heresy parts (0% built) and a considerable amount of my slightly insane collection of bitz.

As you might have noticed, the theme of what I’ve brought over is ‘Unpainted’ which is one of the things I’m hoping this blog will motivate me to change. In my defense all of my paints and brushes, along with a hoard more of my hobby, are currently sailing across the ocean and will hopefully arrive by the end of October. So it isn’t as if I’ve been able to paint a single thing since I arrive…granted while I was still living in England I hadn’t painted pretty much anything for a good year or so but that’s by the by.

Well I think that is enough information for now, I don’t want to overwhelm you or myself with a wall of text, so welcome and I hope that we’ll all get something out of this blog.

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