Monday, January 6, 2014

Hobby Projects for 2014 - Part 2

The Hobby Projects List continues!

5) Paint my Fantasy Terrain

Over the Christmas break I went into overdrive scenery wise and managed to build pretty much every piece of fantasy terrain I have. Coupled with my ice world table, which is nearing completion, it gives me a gaming table and scenery up to my standards that I can start relearning fantasy on with my mate who has also just gotten back into WHFB.

6) Build 40k Ice World Scenery

I was originally going to have this as build and paint, but I wanted to keep my goals a bit more specific, so if I'm doing well on knocking these hobby goals out, then I'll add in paint. I've gotten all my trench network scenery pretty much built, but the 'normal' stuff is going to be a series of bastions connected with bridges as well as some wrecked bastions (which will need significant conversions). I haven't bought any of this yet, so I'll probably 'reward' myself with this after I complete at least a few of my goals before trying to tackle this one.

7) Paint Ice World Table

Pretty simple really, just finish the ice world table. It's pretty close to completion, just a two evenings worth of work and then it's done. The only caveat to this is that I also have to complete the forgworld Imperial Strongpoint tile as well, which is still requires a good weekend's worth of work on. In other words, I'm close, but still a ways away.

8) Paint my Zone Mortalis 
I have a 4 by 4 table worth of ZM and whilst with the addition of my air brush and some masking fluid making this a much more feasible project, I am pretty intimidated by this. I have colour schemes sorted, I just need to find the time and the 'balls' to kick this project off.

So that ends my 2014 Hobby goals. Looking back on it, the majority is terrain orientated, but I think that will just encourage me more to get more gaming done and to get through my immense back catalog of unpainted models.


  1. zm would be cool to make interchangable with the ice tiles maybe like a space wolves fortress or somekind of xenos research facility hidden away under the frozen tundra! But maybe that's something cool I could do oneday. Just throwin it out there though lol

    1. That's a really nice idea. I'd have to find a way create the 'entrance' from the ice world into the ZM, but I think that would make for some great games! Thanks for the idea!!
